Singularity. Dialogues on artificial intelligence and spirituality
Singularity. Dialogues on artificial intelligence and spirituality, 9789075240603

Singularity. Dialogues on artificial intelligence and spirituality

Mieke Mosmuller

The current developments in algorithmization and artificial intelligence in computer technology raise questions about the singularity‭. ‬We use technology every day and are often grateful that it exists‭, ‬but what if the development of this technology reaches‭ ‬such a point that we‭, ‬as humans‭, ‬can no longer control it or understand it with our intelligence‭?‬

Singularity is a novel in which this current duality is explained in an understandable way in dialogues between different people‭.‬

Direct available • ISBN 9789075240603 • Paperback • 208 pages • English • 2021 • $ 29,90


CBLibriGazelleWynstones PressAmazonBol.com

As a bookseller, you can order with the usual bookseller discount. Please contact bookseller@occident-publishers.com.


“I mean, by singularity you mean that all the usual known laws lose their meaning and that something sort of explodes, causing the whole of existence - space and time and the people - to take on a di erent form.  at is what you call ‘singularity’ and you envisage it as a capacity of arti cial intelligence, through which the computational capacity of Man increases to such an extent, thanks to AI, that what you can then do in a second, you cannot do now in a whole lifetime. Isn’t that what it is?”

“It’s something like that ... ”

“Of course, the chess player also thinks and wonders what the countermoves will be if she does this or that. Of course, she can’t foresee all possible steps - neither can the computer, but it can sequentially make and calculate them. But what is completely lost from sight is that it is a game, and that it is the joy of the game! A game you have to be able to play correctly, but also to play wrongly. It’s not about one sort of perfection  ghting with another perfection, because then it doesn’t make any sense at all. It is all about enjoying the game.”

The current developments in algorithmization and artificial intelligence in computer technology raise questions about the singularity‭. ‬We use technology every day and are often grateful that it exists‭, ‬but what if the development of this technology reaches‭ ‬such a point that we‭, ‬as humans‭, ‬can no longer control it or understand it with our intelligence‭?‬

Singularity is a novel in which this current duality is explained in an understandable way in dialogues between different people‭.‬

'A book that enters into the greatest spiritual struggle of the present in a powerful way.' Gerold Aregger, Gegenwart 3/2019

Singularity. Dialogues on artificial intelligence and spirituality
Mieke Mosmuller
Novel, Mieke Mosmuller


208 pages
230 x 156mm
$ 29,90

CBLibriGazelleWynstones PressAmazonBol.com

As a bookseller, you can order with the usual bookseller discount. Please contact bookseller@occident-publishers.com.

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How to Think!

Mieke Mosmuller

We can all think, but thinking about something is different to the thinking that provides us with the capability to distinguish between the truth and ...

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